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Error handling

Error handling is a crucial part of any application. It is important to handle errors gracefully and provide meaningful feedback to the user. In this guide, we will cover how to handle errors in a Fuego application.

Default error handling in Fuego

Fuego controllers returns a value and an error. If the error is not nil, it means that an error occurred while processing the request. The error will be returned to the client as a JSON or XML response, and logged to the console.

func MyController(c fuego.ContextNoBody) (string, error) {
return "", errors.New("an error occurred") // Sends a 500. Will be logged but not returned to the client as it is not serializable.

You are encouraged to use provided fuego error types, that implement RFC 9457, which defines a standard error format for HTTP APIs.

func MyController(c fuego.ContextNoBody) (string, error) {
_, err := someFunction()
if err != nil {
return "", fuego.BadRequestError{Title: "You cannot do that", Err: err} // Returns and logs a structured 400 error.

return "success", nil
  • fuego.BadRequestError: 400 Bad Request
  • fuego.UnauthorizedError: 401 Unauthorized
  • fuego.ForbiddenError: 403 Forbidden
  • fuego.NotFoundError: 404 Not Found
  • fuego.NotAcceptableError: 406 Not Acceptable
  • fuego.ConflictError: 409 Conflict
  • fuego.InternalServerError: 500 Internal Server Error

Custom error types

The default error handler will transform any error that implements the fuego.ErrorWithStatus interfaces into a fuego.HTTPError (that implements RFC 9457).

The error type of fuego.HTTPError is returned as JSON or XML depending on the Accept header specified. It's structure is the following:

type ErrorWithStatus interface {
StatusCode() int


type MyCustomError struct {
Err error `json:"error"`
Message string `json:"message"`

var (
_ fuego.ErrorWithStatus = MyCustomError{}
_ fuego.ErrorWithDetail = MyCustomError{}

func (e MyCustomError) Error() string { return e.Err.Error() }

func (e MyCustomError) StatusCode() int { return http.StatusTeapot }

func (e MyCustomError) DetailMsg() string {
return strings.Split(e.Error(), " ")[1]

Alternatively, you can always use fuego.HTTPError directly such as:

err := fuego.HTTPError{
Title: "Custom error",
Detail: "This is a custom error",
Status: http.StatusTeapot,

Custom error handling

The default fuego.ErrorHandler can be overridden using fuego.WithErrorHandler at fuego Engine creation time. Example mapping sqlite errors to HTTP errors.

import (



func sqliteErrorHandler(err error) error {
var sqliteError *sqlite.Error
if errors.As(err, &sqliteError) {
sqliteErrorCode := sqliteError.Code()
switch sqliteErrorCode {
case 1555, 2067 /* UNIQUE constraint failed */ :
return fuego.ConflictError{Title: "Duplicate", Detail: sqliteError.Error(), Err: sqliteError}
return fuego.InternalServerError{Title: "Internal Server Error", Detail: sqliteError.Error(), Err: sqliteError}

return err

// apply all error handlers that we want, like a chain of middlewares
func customErrorHandler(err error) error {
return fuego.ErrorHandler(sqliteErrorHandler(myOtherCustomErrorHandler(err)))

func main() {
s := fuego.NewServer(

fuego.Get(s, "/", MyController)
