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Server options

You can customize the server with the following function options.

All the options start with With and are located in the fuego package, see the full list.

package main

import ""

func main() {
s := fuego.NewServer(
DisableSwagger: true,

fuego.Get(s, "/", func(c fuego.ContextNoBody) (string, error) {
return "Hello, World!", nil



You can change the address of the server with the WithAddr option.

import ""

func main() {
s := fuego.NewServer(

Engine options

They are options at the Engine level, reusable for all routers (net/http, gin, echo).

s := fuego.NewServer(
fuego.WithErrorHandler(func(err error) error {
return fmt.Errorf("my wrapper: %w", err)
UIHandler: func(specURL string) http.Handler {
return dummyMiddleware(DefaultOpenAPIHandler(specURL))

Route options

They are options at the route registration level. They allow you to declare query parameters, middlewares, description and more.

package main

import (

type MyInput struct {
Name string `json:"name"`

func myController(c fuego.ContextWithBody[MyInput]) (*MyResponse, error) {
name := c.QueryParam("name")
return &MyResponse{
Name: name,
}, nil

var myReusableOption = option.Group(
option.QueryInt("per_page", "Number of items per page", param.Default(100), param.Example("100 per page", 100)),
option.QueryInt("page", "Page number", param.Default(1), param.Example("page 9", 9)),

func myCustomOption(r *fuego.BaseRoute) {
r.XXX = "YYY"

func main() {
s := fuego.NewServer()

fuego.Get(s, "/", myController,
option.Query("name", "Name of the user", param.Required(), param.Example("example 1", "Napoleon")),

option.Summary("Name getting route"),
option.Description("This is the longdescription of the route"),
option.Tags("Name", "Getting"),


Set route options at Group level

You can pass route options on a routes Group and they will be inherited by all routes in the group.

I personally recommend using the option.Group instead of this to adopt a more composable approach instead of using inheritance here.

package main

func main() {
s := fuego.NewServer()

g := fuego.Group(s, "/pets",
option.Summary("Pets operations"),
option.Description("Operations about pets"),

fuego.Get(g, "/", func(c fuego.ContextNoBody) (string, error) {
return "Hello, World!", nil

Set route options at Server level

You can pass route options on the server and they will be inherited by all routes.

I personally recommend using the option.Group instead of this to adopt a more composable approach instead of using inheritance here.

package main

func main() {
s := fuego.NewServer(
option.Summary("Pets operations"),
option.Description("Operations about pets"),

fuego.Get(g, "/", func(c fuego.ContextNoBody) (string, error) {
return "Hello, World!", nil